

Being a pastor or church leader is more demanding than ever and includes far more than spiritual leadership. 由礼来基金会资助, the Academy of Church 领导人hip at North Park University is dedicated to equipping religious leaders with the skills needed for effective congregational growth. 课程侧重于金融专业发展, 管理, 以及宗教领袖的领导力. 点击这里 观看有关教会领袖学院的资讯短片.



8:30 a.m.–3:30 p.m.

教会领袖学院欢迎牧师, 教会员工, 和世俗领袖 of all denominations to attend a two-day event of workshops delivered by pastors, 教师, 以及教会管理方面的从业者.

工作坊1:如何帮助牧师, 领导人, and Volunteers Relight the Fire for Ministry in the Post-COVID Church (Day 1)

This session will focus on discovering the burnout that exists in a post-COVID church and the effects it has on pastors, 教会领袖及义工. 心理健康问题,比如焦虑, 抑郁症, 精力不足, 敬那些离开教会的牧师, church leaders no longer willing to serve and a significant reduction in volunteers. It will also examine the often-forgotten tech team volunteers/staff who were called upon greatly during this time who continue to feel overworked, 被低估了, 推到一边, 现在都离开了他们的位置. 我们将一起回顾这项研究,评估我们目前的“倦怠程度”, discuss solutions and discern practical ways we can improve our mental health and care for all those that serve our church so we can relight the fire for ministry.

Workshop 2: Congregational Emotional Systems and Pastoral Transitions (Day 1)
推荐者:牧师. 彼得Sjoblom
As many as 20% of congregations are facing pastor retirement or resignations as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and political polarization. Hasty problem solving through a quick search can lead to the next pastor becoming an unintentional interim. What work is required to make healthy choices as we face this uncertain future? This workshop builds on emotional systems theory and practical application for anxious congregations.

推荐者:牧师. 唐·罗宾逊
我们生活在一个不断变化的世界. 教堂也是 改变. 应对covid -19后大流行需要变革. 领导力需要适应和改变. What may have worked for church leaders in the past may no longer work as churches adjust to changes in attendance, 志愿者的参与, 金融基础, 以及混合敬拜服务,包括面对面和在线参与. 在他们的书里, “领导力悬于一线,和《澳门网络赌博游戏》,“作者, 罗纳德。一个. 海菲兹, 马蒂Linsky, 亚历山大·格拉肖, 哈佛商学院出版社, © 2002, 2009), describe a process of moving away from merely offering “technical solutions” in leading, to responding “adaptively” to the challenges confronting institutions and organizations. One aspect of the responding “adaptively” is to “get on the balcony” and to look and listen to the deep, 个人和组织面临的核心问题. 本次研讨会将探讨适应性领导的必要性, providing a framework and tools for church leaders to respond to the 改变 needs of their congregations and communities.

主讲人:Gianfranco Farruggia博士
本次研讨会探讨了非营利组织在治理方面的最佳实践. It examines the history of nonprofit governance as well as the compliance and strategic role of boards and how to apply to churches. 各种问题和棘手的透明度问题, 战略思考, 教会执委会看到“大局”, 处理波动性, 不确定性, 复杂性, 和歧义(VUCA)将得到解决.

Workshop 5: If You Build It: Strategies for Empowering Faith Formation (Day 2)
主讲人:Kathleen E. 墨菲,城市生活垃圾,博士,MLIS(第2天)
The term faith or spiritual formation has been used in many Christian contexts yet can carry different meanings in theory and in practice. This workshop will explore formation from various perspectives in the context of overall church structure and mission. 将对这些定义进行简短的讨论, 神学的基础, 以及形成的目标. Kathleen will then provide a more detailed discussion of the elements of spiritual formation and strategies for addressing the opportunities and challenges of an overarching formation plan in the life of the church. 使用多教会合作的“圣地”,(美国圣公会的种族和信仰课程)作为典范, 本次研讨会将探讨如何创造一个参与的环境, 赋予有信仰的人力量,并向他们提出挑战, 集体和社区. This workshop is not about curriculum development; rather it is about faith formation anchored in the context of baptismal covenant.

主持人:Rich kong 




Nyvall大厅, Ohlson休息室, 北公园神学院, 西福斯特大道3225号, 芝加哥, 伊利诺斯州

有兴趣参加? 联系Helienai Rosales (hrosales@meizhijie.net) or (773) 244-6270.


学院提供学术课程, 包括教会管理证书和MDiv/MBA或MNA联合证书.




作为长期承诺的一部分,以保持教育负担得起, 澳门网络赌博游戏向合格的牧师提供资金, 教会员工, 和世俗领袖, 加上非营利组织和校友的学费折扣. Beginning in the fall of 2018 students who enroll in the Graduate Certificate in Church Administration will receive a 学费减免50% 这个项目的课程.


Latonya Latimore

Latonya Latimore, 芝加哥本地人, was looking for a program that would support the work of the youth and children’s ministry program that she and her daughter had just founded. “当我为非营利项目做研究时, I was drawn to North Park’s ability to offer online courses and Top 10 listing for nonprofit 管理 education.”


标志着. 史密斯

标志着. 史密斯 came to North Park University to become a strategic leader in full-time ministry with a focus on business and finance. “我的领导能力得到了加强, and I thoroughly enjoyed learning about healthy HR practices for churches and nonprofits, 战略管理, 风险管理, 志愿者管理实践.”


会议 & 研讨会




Timothy O 'Brien博士,教会领导学院项目主任

Rochelle Robinson-Levant, Associate Dean, 商学院 and 非营利组织管理




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